
Balagokulam is a weekly programme where children can learn about the Hindu culture and values in an enjoyable atmosphere. Activities include Yoga, Games, Shlokas, Arts and Crafts. Balagokulam is a non-profit organisation that is run around the world as well as many centres in the UK, including Warrington, Bolton & Liverpool.
While Preston has a strong Hindu presence, we do not have a Balagokulam programme in the City. Balagokulam committee approached the Telugu Community in Preston to see if we were interested in starting and running Preston Balagokulam. We ran a couple of trial / pilot sessions in July and proved successful with lots of support from parents. These sessions are run by volunteers who are interested in passing their valuable knowledge to children. Children from age 5 and above can join these free sessions accompanied by adult during the sessions. To help fund the Balagokulam, Guru Dhakshana is offered once a year during Guru Pournami. The collected monies will fund the activities throughout the year.
We are starting our first session from 10th October 2014 and will run every Friday between 7pm to 8:30pm. It is important that Parents also participate during the session as this is a key part of encouraging the children.
Any further information can be found by visiting
We have few children and volunteer places available. Any interested parties please contact
Nirmala Padala 07446 220076 from 6:00pm Monday – Friday. All day weekends.

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Andhra Bhavan, 28 St Mary’s Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 5LN, UK | Tel No. 01772 798512 | Religious Worship No. 77711 | Charity Registration No: 1115907